In any case theaccurate measurement of EE can merely help to prevent overfeeding inlongstaying patients.Ĭalorimetry is a measure of the caloric expenditure of a patient throughthe production of heat by metabolic process (Haugen et al. 2011) found some clinical benefit of an IC-guided caloric intake, ascompared to an exclusive enteral regimen, irrespective of the EE.

2012 Vincent and Preiser, 2013) challenge the concept of EE as aguide for the prescription of calories, when a non-inhibitable endogenousproduction of glucose provides a large amount of calories during the earlyphase of critical illness. Hence, both over- andunderfeeding will be prevented when the caloric intake matches the actual EE (Singeret al. 2004 The Veterans Affairs TotalParenteral Nutrition Cooperative Study Group, 1991). Conversely, a risk of overfeeding (ie caloric intake >EE) is present when EE is undefined, especially when parenteral nutrition isused (Dissanaike et al. A large caloric debt is partly explained by thedifficulties in providing the desired caloric intake by the enteral route(Artinian et al. Why Use an Indirect Calorimeter in the ICU? The magnitude of the caloric debt (the difference between energy expenditure(EE) and the caloric intake) has been strongly associated with the rate ofcomplications occurring in ICU patients (Dvir et al. However, numerous flaws limit its use, and currentlyavailable devices are not sufficiently accurate for clinical use.

Indirect calorimetry is usually presented as essential equipmentto optimise nutrition. Indirect calorimetry can determine the energy requirements of the organism, thereby helping one arrive at a better. It's actually a sort of cart, although ventilator-attached modules are also available. It requires the use of a 'metabolic cart'. This is a technique of accurately and non-invasively measuring the consumption of oxygen and the production of CO2 in a living human organism. This study aims at comparing for the first time simultaneously, two new IC, the CCM express ® (Medgraphics) and the Quark RMR ® (Cosmed. The popular 30 year-old Deltatrac II ® (Datex) IC is no more commercialized, but other manufacturers have developed new devices. Indirect calorimetry (IC) is the gold standard to measure energy expenditure (EE) in hospitalized patients.